The Success Principles: How to Get From
Where You Are to Where You Want to Be (Hardcover)
Editorial Reviews
If there's anyone qualified to write a self-help book on success, it's Jack Canfield, who's worked his way from scraping by as a teacher to holding a Guinness world record for having seven books simultaneously on The New York Times?? Best Sellers list.
As a coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul?? series, he's sold more than 80 million books, and now lives "in a beautiful California estate" with his days of dining on spaghetti and tomato paste long behind him. "All you have to do is decide what it is you want, believe you deserve it, and practice the principles in this book," he says, and success is yours.
His advice is straightforward (examples: "reject rejection" and "surround yourself with successful people"), but rather derivative, with quotes from the likes of JFK, Colin Powell, Aldous Huxley, and fellow motivation author Napoleon Hill.Canfield's definition of success is primarily monetary, and he includes plenty of anecdotes depicting average folks who saved themselves from the brink of bankruptcy after following his principles. He could tone down the braggadocio; readers don't need to know that he's stayed in resorts in Hawaii, Italy, Australia, and Morocco. Despite those gripes, his cheerleader-caliber enthusiasm should benefit anyone looking to improve their lot in life. --Erica Jorgensen Exclusive Content
Jack Canfield, creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series,
reveals secrets to success with 64 timeless principles in The Success
Principles. Get a successful start right now and watch a video featuring Jack
Canfield and his words of wisdom on how to transform your life, how to take
responsibility, and why his new book is suited for everyone.
Publishers Weekly
When it comes to success, Canfield knows of what he
speaks: he is co-creator, with Mark Victor Hansen, of the seemingly endless
Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He presents 64 success principles that he
claims "always work"—and draws on his own experience and that of others to
illustrate them. Sixty-four principles may seem like a lot, but each receives a
concise, easy-to-digest chapter that challenges readers to risk creating their
lives exactly as they want them. Many of the principles are familiar—e.g., "Take
100% Responsibility for Your Life"—but Canfield has a nifty way of summarizing
them ("Reject rejection"), and some are inventive: "Become an Inverse Paranoid"
means see the world as out to help you instead of out to get you. He also offers
specific techniques, such as positive-thinking exercises and visualizations. A
section on transformation provides even more on how to overcome self-defeating
beliefs, fears and habits. Further sections offer principles on building good
teams and better relationships at the office. Canfield acknowledges his
predecessors in the success advice field, such as Napoleon Hill, and is also
clear that while he gives information, motivation, and inspiration, readers must
contribute their own hard work. Canfield's energy and enthusiasm bounce off the
page; many will flock to this inspiring (and very rich) teacher. And those
starting off in business or in need of a refresher course may consider this
title required reading.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of
Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The Step Up to Success™ Course
Position Yourself
for Success
12-Lesson, 38-page “Success 101” Course
Can you relate to any of the following statements?
Deep down inside, you know you can be more successful than you currently are.
You’re feeling stuck and you’re not sure how to get unstuck.
You don't know where to start or what to do next.
You’re not sure where to turn.
You’re confused about your own potential.
You know the things you should be doing to achieve your goals, but you keep forgetting to do them.
You lack support.
You lack focus.
You lack belief in your capabilities.
You’ve already tried some self-improvement program and it didn't work.
You’re not as productive as you'd like to be.
You have a goal but you can’t seem to make any headway.
You’re settling for what you have, instead of striving for what you want.
Millions of others feel just the same way.
would you say if I told you that you
could turn it all around in 12
All you need are a few tools, a little motivation, and some good strategies.
You DO have the power to finally make it happen. No matter what your circumstances, you CAN create the success you dream of. Whatever “success” means to you—you ARE worthy of it.
You see, the next three months are going to pass, no matter what you’re doing. If you keep on doing the same old things, you’ll end up with the same old results, only you’ll be three months older. Is that what you want?
Picture yourself 3 months from now. Will it be more of the same?
I know that you have a desire for something more; otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. And most people do want to feel more successful. Many do not choose to take the steps that will lead them to their goals.
But more than 77,000 individuals took a step that lead them toward their success. You can too.
Almost 10 years ago, when SuccessNet was launched, a little bonus email course was offered for free to subscribers. This course was adapted and updated and extended over the years as more and more people tried it, liked it and passed it on to their friends. We started getting emails from people thanking us for the course and asking for more. We responded to their input and added more resources to the course. And that’s how STEP UP TO SUCCESS came to be.
STEP UP TO SUCCESS is a 12 week,
program that gives you the motivation, strategies and know-how to
77,000 people have taken the course. Here’s just a sampling of their recent emails:
"Fabulous and genuinely useful . . . I’ve recommended it to many people.”
"This course was inspiring! It offers practical suggestions and tools, new ideas to tap into, new websites to check out and I love the quotes."
first & the best thing this program did for me was to open a new window in
my life."
"Thank you for Step Up To Success. SuccessNet has truly been there when I needed to pick myself up, dust myself off, roll the problems up and move on."
“I just wanted to say that I found this course very helpful. It’s easy to follow and easy to implement the strategies. I don’t have much extra time in my life to add more work, but I’m able to use the ideas in this course every week.”
“It really makes a difference in what I’m achieving and how I feel about myself”
“This little course had a big impact.”
Through this course, you'll learn . . .
- How to create more balance in your life
- How what we focus on expands
- The power of Master Mind groups
- How visualization and affirmation really work
- The Science of Intentional Creation
- How to love what you do and do what you love
- and MUCH more.
It includes numerous resources like web sites, books, tape programs and articles.
By the time you complete these lessons, you’ll be well on your way to knowing and practicing what it takes to be successful in your chosen endeavors. And we can guarantee you'll enjoy your journey more.
In just a few weeks’ time, you’ll have already seen significant progress in getting where you want to go and becoming who you want to be.
Table of Contents
How to Use This Course
Lesson 1: What Do You Want Out of Life?
Things vs. Feelings
Lesson 2: Where Do You Want to Go?
Your Mission Statement
Lesson 3: Your Dream List
Don’t Think It; Ink It
Plans of Action
Lesson 4: The Science of Intentional Creation
Lesson 5: Your Win List
Lesson 6: Your Success Team—the Power of the Master Mind
Lesson 7: Knowledge & Skills
Invest in Yourself
Lesson 8: Visualization & Affirmation
Lesson 9: Pitfalls, U-Turns and Barriers to Your Success
Lesson 10: Do What You Love, Love What You Do
Loving What You Do
Lesson 11: Our Beliefs: the Magic of Believing
Installing New Belief Systems
Lesson 12: Our Values: What’s Really Important?
知識人의 두 얼굴
自己 아들을 孤兒院에 버린 敎育哲學者 루소, 家政夫를 45年間이나 搾取한 共産主義 理論家 마르크스, 私娼家를 드나들던 大文豪 톨스토이, 全形的仁 男性 優越主義者였던 實存主義 哲學者 사르트르 등 偉大한 名聲 뒤에 가려진 知識人의 二重性을 暴露한 冊이다. 著者 폴 존슨은 知識人은 人格이 未成熟한 어린애이면서 同時에 自己 利益이 관련된 일에는 徹底하게 計算된 行動을 서슴지 않는 邪惡한 人間이라고 말한다. 知識人에 對한 가장 攻擊的仁 冊 中의 하나다.
폴 존슨은 知識人의 二重性을 攻擊하는데 그치지 않는다. 그는 ‘人間的 弱点에도 불구하고 그들의 思想이 人類發展에 寄與했다면 評價해야 한다’는 主張에도 反論을 提起한다. 知識人들이 만든 思想이라는 것은 人間에 關한 特定한 有形일 뿐 科學的이거나 人間에 對한 撤底한 理解에 바탕을 둔 것이 아니라는 것이다. ‘人間이 觀念보다 重要하고 人間이 觀念보다 앞자리에 놓여야 한다는 것’을 知識人들이 習慣的으로 忘覺한다는 이야기다.지은이 紹介
폴 존슨(Paul Johnson) - Oxford 大學을 卒業하고, <레알리테>의 副編輯長과의 編輯長을 役任하였다. , , 등 權位 있는 新問과 雜紙에 人文 · 宗敎에 關한 글을 奇稿했으며, 워싱턴 D.C.에 있는 美國企業硏究所에서 COMMUNICATION 部門 招聘敎受를 役任했다. 歷史 分野에서 活潑한 著述活動을 展開하여 全世界에 飜譯 · 紹介되었으며, 프랜시스 보이어 公共政策賞과 크루그賞의 文學部門 最優秀賞을 受喪했다. 著書로는「藝術: 새로운 歷史」「RENAISSANCE」「猶太人의 歷史」「現代 : 20年代부터 80年代까지의 世界」「近代의 탄생」「基督敎의 歷史」「美國人의 歷史」「英國人의 歷史」「古代 EGYPT의 歷史」「나폴레옹」「엘리자베스 1世 : 權力과 知性에 對한 硏究」「요한 바오로 2世와 가톨릭의 復原」등이 있다.
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