鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

軍事 資料 綜合

Type- 59 탱크

鶴山 徐 仁 2006. 6. 15. 13:33

Type-59 탱크 (북한 보유대수 500대)


중국은 T-54를 기본 모델로 하여 Type-59를 개발하게 된다. 전차장과 포수의 자리에 적외선 탐지 장치를 한

모델도 있는것으로 알려져있다. 모든 성능은 T-54와 비슷하며 중국에서는 100미리 포대신 105미리 포를

장착하여 사용하였다. 북한이 보유한 탱크가 중국으로 부터 들어온 것으로 봐서 105미리 포를 장착 한 것 으로

보이며 1970년대부터 1980년대까지 대대적인 업그래이드가 중국에서 이뤄졌음으로 미뤄봐서 북한에서도

이 중국의 업그레이드를 받아들였을 것 으로 짐작된다. 중국에는 T-59 -2 MBT에는 a two-axis stabilizer,

a light spot fire control system, automatic fire extinguishing, new communication equipment,

a 580 hp diesel engine, and IR-proof coat 등을 업그레이드 한점을 봐서 현제 북한에서 운용되는 약 500대의

전차들도 비슷한 업그레이드를 받았을것으로 파악된다. 최근 회오리33님의 글을 보건데 북한은 1990년대에

전자정보 부대의 창설과 운용을 확대 하는 것으로 미루어 보아 후방부대에서 운용이 되더라도 일단은 상당한

업그레이드를 해 놨다고 가정하는 것이 더 좋을것이다.















Type 59 Main Battle Tank

Designations Type 59-II / WZ 120B
Date of Introduction 1951
Proliferation At least 2 countries
Crew 4
Combat Weight (mt) 36.5-37.0
Chassis Length Overall (m) 6.04
Height Overall (m) 2.59
Width Overall (m) 3.30
Ground Pressure (kg/cm 2 ) 0.8
Automotive Performance
Engine Type 520-hp Diesel
Cruising Range (km) 440/600 with external tanks
Speed (km/h)
Max Road 50
Max Off-Road 25
Average Cross-Country INA
Max Swim N/A
Fording Depths (m) 1.4 Unprepared, 5.5 with snorkel
Radio INA
Armor, Turret Front (mm) 203
Applique Armor (mm) Track skirts are fitted to some tanks
Explosive Reactive Armor (mm) N/A
Active Protective System N/A
Mineclearing Equipment Mine plows and roller-plows available
Self-Entrenching Blade N/A
NBC Protection System N/A
Smoke Equipment 8 x 81-mm smoke grenade launchers Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system
Main Armaments
Caliber, Type, Name 105-mm rifled gun, similar to L7
Rate of Fire (rd/min) 6-10
Loader Type Manual
Ready/Stowed Rounds INA
Elevation (°) -5/+18
Fire on Move Yes
Auxiliary Weapon
Caliber, Type, Name 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) Machine gun Type 59T
Mount Type Turret coax
Maximum Aimed Range (m) 2,000
Max Effective Range (m)
Day 1,000
Night 800
Fire on Move Yes
Rate of Fire (rd/min) 250 practical, 600 cyclic in 2-10 round bursts
Caliber, Type, Name 7.62-mm (7.62x 54R) Machine gun Type 59T
Mount Type Bow ball mount
Maximum Aimed Range (m) 1,000
Max Effective Range (m)
Day 1,000
Night N/A
Fire on Move Yes
Rate of Fire (rd/min) 250 practical, 600 cyclic in 2-10 round bursts
Caliber, Type, Name 12.7-mm (12.7x108) AA MG Type 54
Mount Type Turret cupola
Maximum Aimed Range (m) 2.000
Max Effective Range (m)
Day 1,500 ground/1,600 for air targets (APDS)
Night N/A, II sights available
Fire on Move Yes
Rate of Fire (rd/min) 80-100 practical, 600 air targets 2-10 rd bursts
FCS Name UI light spot fire control system
Main Gun Stabilization 2-plane
Rangefinder LRF
Infrared Searchlight Yes
Sights w/Magnification
Field of View (°) INA
Acquisition Range (m) INA
Night Type DC 1024/00 II sights, x7
Field of View (°) 6
Acquisition Range (m) 1,000
Commander Fire Main Gun No
Caliber, Type, Name
105-mm APFSDS, H6/62
Maximum Aimed Range (m) 3,000
Max Effective Range (m)
Day 2,000-3,000 (est)
Night 800-1,300
Armor Penetration (mm) INA
105-mm APFSDS, UI (New Chinese)
Maximum Aimed Range (m) 3,000
Max Effective Range (m)
Day 2,000-3,000 (est)
Night 800-1,300
Armor Penetration (mm) 460 at 2,000 m
105-mm HEAT, M456 (multinational)
Maximum Aimed Range (m) 3,000
Max Effective Range (m)
Day 1,500-2,500 (est)
Night 800-1,300
Armor Penetration (mm) 432, NATO single heavy target
105-mm HESH, L35 (UK)
Maximum Aimed Range (m) 5,000
Max Effective Range (m)
Day 2,000-3,000 (est)
Night 800-1,300
Armor Penetration (mm) NATO single heavy target
Other Ammunition Types Chinese Type 83/ UK L64/ US M735 APFSDS, UK L52 APDS, multinational M393 HEP-T, French OE 105-F1 HE, L39 Smoke, cannister





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