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Workshop Schedule - Spring 2009
Date | Speaker and Topic |
February | -- Winter Break – No Workshop -- |
Mar 7 | Dion Clingwall - Using Drama in the English Classroom |
Apr 4 | Tim Drew - Topic to be announced |
May 2 | Danny and Holly Marland - Student Motivation |
January 2009 Workshop
As a teacher of a writing class, have you sometimes found yourself exasperated seeing the same errors repeated by your students over and over again in their writing even though you have corrected those same errors repeatedly? Do you ever wonder if the students really pay attention to error corrections? In such circumstances, a teacher can be forgiven wondering if all the corrections and feedback given to the students is really worth the time and effort put into it. Do the results justify the effort? Our presenter struggled with these very questions, and this became the motivation for her to rethink and explore effective strategies for student rewriting.
This workshop will include a brief introduction to previous studies and findings regarding teacher feedback. We will then look at some practical activities that have been developed by the presenter, and have the opportunity to share different approaches to student rewriting and self-correction. Boon-Joo Park was raised in Daegu, and graduated from Kyungpook National University. She then went on to obtain her PhD at the University of Arizona in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. She is currently an instructor in the Department of English Language and Literature at KNU, where she has been teaching English Composition for undergraduate students and English Teaching Methodology in the Graduate School. She can be contacted at boonjoop@hotmail.com.
Dinner |
Our Winter KOTESOL Dinner will be held after the regular meeting, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm, at the Suyeon Galbi Restaurant, within easy walking distance from the East Gate of Kyungpook National University. Vegetarian dinner is also available. |