For forty years the Pestalozzi International Village has educated young people from low-income families in developing countries. Its work in the UK is based on the principles of the Swiss philosopher Johann Pestalozzi, who believed in educating the whole person: 'the head, heart and hands'.
Our students come to the Village, aged 16+, and take the two-year International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma course, run in conjunction with Hastings College of Arts & Technology. This is a demanding and internationally recognised university entrance qualification, which includes community service: the Pestalozzi students work closely with local schools and community groups, helping to build bridges of international understanding and co-operation.
This combination of academic study with practical and community work fulfils the Pestalozzi philosophy and helps prepare the young people to play an important role in their home communities in later life.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) was a Swiss humanitarian and educationalist. He felt it was his duty to help the poorer of his fellows, he saw in them the potential to become valued members of society if time was taken to educate their ‘Heads, Hearts and Hands’. Pestalozzi (and his wife) took poor children into their own home to educate their heads, to teach their hearts to love and show compassion and understanding for their fellows, and to train their hands in practical skills to be used throughout their lives. Pestalozzi also believed that women are the first teachers that any infant has, and he did much to promote the provision of education for girls. Throughout his life he also wrote many books and articles on his educational philosophy. |
The Pestalozzi International Village believes that education is the key to sustainable development in some of the poorest parts of the world. It is based on the principles of the Swiss philosopher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, educating the "Head, Heart and Hands" - a combination of academic and practical studies which help young people play an important role in their home communities in later life.
Pestalozzi International Village Trust (PIVT)
The Trust sponsors the education of bright young people from low-income families from developing countries. The students, aged 16-plus, come to live in the Pestalozzi International Village in East Sussex, and take the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma, run in partnership with Hastings College of Arts & Technology.
This internationally recognised course combines academic studies with practical and community work in a way that takes forward the Pestalozzi approach to education.
To fulfill the CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) component of their course, Pestalozzi students work in local Schools and with other local organisations supported by the Pestalozzi International Development Education Centre (PIDEC). The Trust encourages students, as equal partners, to promote development awareness working toward a fairer and more sustainable future. Students benefit from living in a unique multi-cultural, multi-faith environment. Studying and working alongside young people from this country, they are able to share their skills and knowledge - the best way to encourage appreciation of other cultures.
The students are chosen for their academic ability so that they may gain maximum benefit from their education. They come from backgrounds where they do not have the opportunity of an education which would enable them to reach their full potential.
Countries currently represented at the Village are India, Nepal, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Tibetan communities in India and Nepal.
Many students who have returned home over the years are now sponsoring the education of younger generations and in some cases have formed Pestalozzi Foundations to help continue the cycle of success. Many have established projects to build schools and other amenities, helping their own communities in a variety of ways.
페스탈로치 [Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 1746.1.12~1827.2.17]
스위스의 교육자. | ||||||||||||
1746년 1월 12일 취리히에서 출생하였다. 취리히대학교에 재학 중 애국자단체에 소속되어사회운동에 가담하였으며, 1769년 같은 단체원이던 안나와 결혼하였다. 1771년노이호프에 농민학교를 세웠으나 실패한 후 사색과 저술생활로 세월을 보냈다.
1798년 프랑스혁명의 여파가 스위스로 밀려왔을 때 슈탄스에 고아원을 설립, 전쟁고아를 돌보았다. 그후 부르크도르프, 이베르돈에 학교를 세워 독자적인 교육방법을 실천하다가 만년에는 다시 노이호프로 돌아갔다.
당시의 유럽 사회를 분석하여, 계층간에 존재하는 불평등을 지적하고 이의 시정은 정당한 교육으로만 가능하다고 주장하였다. 즉, 민중에게 바른 지성의 힘을 기르게 하면 민중은 스스로의 힘으로 그들의 사회적 지위를 높이려 할 것이라는 입장에서 인간학교의 이상을 제안하였다.
또한 바른 지성의 힘을 체질화하기 위해서 형(形)·수(數)·어(語)의 개념을 직관적 경험을 통해서 부여해야 함을 강조하였는데, 이는 인간에게 내재하는 자발성·자기활동에 의해 가능하다고 해석하고 기초도야의 이념을 구체적으로 펼쳤다. 도덕적 도야의 근원을 부모와 자식 간의 사랑과 믿음의 관계에서 찾으면서 생활이 도야한다는 입장을 역설하였다.
그의 수많은 저서들을 보면, 전생애를 통하여 온갖 고경(苦境)을 참으면서 언제나 교사로서의 뜻을 굽히지 않고 교육이라는 외길을 걸었던 강한 실천성과, 교육에 의한 인류구제의 염원을 실현하기 위한 구체적인 방법론을 확립하여 소상히 전개한 교육적 천재의 풍성함을 느낄 수 있다. “모든 것이 남을 위해서였으며, 스스로를 위해서는 아무것도 하지 않았다.”라고 새겨진 묘비명은 그의 교육에 대한 모든 것을 단적으로 나타낸 것이라 할 수 있다.
대표적 저서로는, 농민학교 운영에 실패한 후에 쓴 교육선언 《은자(隱者)의 황혼 Abendstunde eines Einsiedlers》(1780), 가정교육의 중요성을 강조한 불후의 교육소설 《린하르트와 게르트루트 Lienhard und Gertrud》(1781~1787), 그의 근본적인 철학적·인간학적 사상이 담긴 《인류발전에 있어서 자연의 운행에 대한 나의 탐구 Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur in der Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts》(1797), 교육방법에 대한 독자적인 견해를 전개한 《게르트루트는 어떻게 그의 아이들을 가르치는가 Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt》(1801) 등이 있다.
또한 만년의 저서 《백조의노래 Schwanengesang》(1826)에서는 교육이상으로서 전인적(全人的)·조화적 인간도야의 입장을 읽을 수 있다. 이들 저서에는 인간성에 대한 깊은 신뢰와 신(神)에 대한 순수한 신앙이 그의 생활과 사상의 바탕이었음이 잘 나타나 있다.
內容出處:internet 知識
'人物情報 參考' 카테고리의 다른 글
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