Countries Ranked by Military Strength (2014)
The complete Global Firepower list puts the military powers of the world into full perspective.
The GFP list makes use of over 50 factors to determine each nation's Power Index ("PwrIndx") score. This provides the final ranking and allows smaller, technologically-advanced, nations to compete with larger, lesser-developed ones. Some bonuses (and penalties) are added for refinement. In the end, we hope it presents an unbiased outlook on the potential conventional military strength of a given country if only to stir some healthy debate.
Things to keep in mind:
• Nuclear capability is NOT taken into account
• Geographical factors influence every country's ranking
• Ranking does not solely rely on total number of weapons available
• Natural resource reliance (use/production) is taken into account
• Land-locked nations are NOT penalized for lack of a standing navy
• Naval powers ARE penalized for limited naval capabilities
• Current political/military leadership is NOT taken into account
As of 04/03/2014 there are a total of 106 countries included in the GFP database. Due to the amount of data involved, adjustments are ongoing and corrections still being considered.
GFP (Global Fire Power) 에서 매년 정하는 세계 군사력 순위입니다.
측정 기준은 아래와 같다고 합니다.
핵을 제외한 군사력을 평가.
인력 (총 인구, 동원 가능 인구등)
육군 (전차, 야포, 차량등)
공군 (총 군용기 숫자등)
해군 (총 선박수, 항공모함, 구축함, 소해능력등),
천연 자원 (석유 생산량, 매장량등),
물류 (노동력, 도로, 철도등),
금융 (국방비, 채무, 외환 보유액, 금등),
지리 (국토 면적, 해안선등)
그리고 그 나라가 위치한 지역의 군사력.
Partial Sources:, CIA World Factbook,, public domain print and media sources and user contributions. Some values may be estimated when official sources are lacking.
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