鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

외국작가 畵壇

Howard Behrens

鶴山 徐 仁 2007. 1. 11. 19:36

Howard Behrens

"Bellagio Deja Vu"
Image Size 30x40 & 40x54

"Table for Two - Capri"
Image Size 30x40 & 40x54

"Via Varenna"
Image Size 30x40 and 40x60

Image Size 30x30 and 42x40

"Stairway to Carlotta"
Image Size 24x36

"View from the Villa"
Image Size 20x16

"Flowers by the Sea"
Image Sizes: 20x30 & 24x36

"Palm Beach Flower Garden"
25.5" x 34" -- S/N Canvas -- Edition Size 495

"Romantic Canal"
Image Size 30" x 24"

"Varenna Morning"
Image Size 27" x 35"

"Hidden Cove - Lake Como"
Image Size 30" x 24"

"Beyond the Garden Wall"
25.5" x 34"

"Sunlit Stroll"
25.5" x 34" -and- 30" x 40"

"Lake Como Landing"
25.5" x 34"

"Reflections of Lake Como"
25.5" x 34" -and- 30" x 40"

"Varenna Villa"
24" x 30"

"Nantucket Flower Market"
24" x 30" -and- 33" x 40"

"Village Hideaway"
25.5" x 34" -and- 30" x 40"

"Bellagio Garden"
24" x 30"

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