Croeso! Welcome to my website. I think it is about this stage
that I am expected to say something profound and supremely intellectual. Forget
it! I'm just a painter and I paint what I see - strange concept in a world of
dead cows, piles of bricks (or was it elephant dung?) and coloured dots on white
ground. I think my work is labelled 'figurative' - yep, figurative. Sounds about
right. Bit of an old fashioned concept really - honesty, integrity and all that
stuff. Anyway, for those who are getting bored already and want to see some
images just click 'Introduction' at the bottom of the page.
As a professional lecturer I have developed and delivered many art courses in North Wales and south Buckinghamshire during the past thirty years as well as working as Creative Group Head for Saatchi and running my own communications business. Throughout this period I have been drawn back time and again to Snowdonia like a yo-yo on caffeine. Many hours have been spent exploring and recording the extraordinarily wild landscape and the indelible legacy of slate quarrying that has been etched on every conceivable facet. I am now fortunate to live in this area and pursue my passion full time.

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