A view across the Shoshone Falls, Snake River, Idaho in 1874
rocks in Pyramid Lake, Nevada,1867
The Pah-Ute (Paiute) Indian group, near Cedar, Utah in a picture from 1872
Twin buttes stand near Green River City, Wyoming, photographed in 1872.
Members of Clarence King's Fortieth Parallel Survey team explore the land near Oreana, Nevada, in 1867.
Tents can be seen (bottom, centre) at a point known as Camp Beauty close to canyon walls in Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona. Photographed in 1873
Old Mission Church, Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico pictured in 1873
Boat crew of the 'Picture' at Diamond Creek. Photo shows photographer Timothy O'Sullivan, fourth from left, with fellow members of the Wheeler survey and Native Americans, following ascent of the Colorado River through the Black Canyon in 1871
Browns Park, Colorado, as seen by Timothy O'Sullivan in 1872
A man sits on a shore beside the Colorado River in Iceberg Canyon, on the border of Mojave County, Arizona, and Clark County, Nevada in 1871
Timothy O'Sullivan's darkroom wagon is pulled across the Carson Sink, part of Nevada's Carson Desert in 1867
The mining town of Gold Hill, just south of Virginia City, Nevada, in 1867
A wooden balanced incline used for gold mining, at the Illinois Mine in the Pahranagat Mining District, Nevada in 1871.
Here photographer Timothy O'Sullivan documents the actvities of the Savage and the Gould and Curry mines in Virginia City, Nevada, in 1867 900ft underground, lit by an improvised flash -- a burning magnesium wire, O'Sullivan photographed the miners in tunnels, shafts, and lifts.
The head of Canyon de Chelly, looking past walls that rise some 1,200 feet above the canyon floor, in Arizona in 1873
Two men sit looking at headlands north of the Colorado River Plateau in 1872
Native American (Paiute) men, women and children pose for a picture near a tree. The picture is thought to have been taken in Cottonwood Springs (Washoe County), Nevada, in 1875
The junction of Green and Yampah Canyons, in Utah, in 1872
Nearly 150 years ago, photographer O'Sullivan came across this evidence of a visitor to the West that preceded his own expedition by another 150 years - A Spanish inscription from 1726. This close-up view of the inscription carved in the sandstone at Inscription Rock (El Morro National Monument), New Mexico reads, in English: "By this place passed Ensign Don Joseph de Payba Basconzelos, in the year in which he held the Council of the Kingdom at his expense, on the 18th of February, in the year 1726"
Aboriginal life among the Navajo Indians. Near old Fort Defiance, New Mexico, in 1873
The Canyon of Lodore, Colorado, in 1872
View of the White House, Ancestral Pueblo Native American (Anasazi) ruins in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, in 1873.
Native Americans: The Pah-Ute (Paiute) Indian group, near Cedar, Utah in a picture from 1872. Government officials were chartering the land for the first time ![]() Breathtaking: Twin buttes stand near Green River City, Wyoming, photographed in 1872. They were among the first images ever taken of the West Coast ![]() 19th century housing: Members of Clarence King's Fortieth Parallel Survey team explore the land near Oreana, Nevada, in 1867 ![]() Incredible: Tents can be seen (bottom, centre) at a point known as Camp Beauty close to canyon walls in Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona. Photographed in 1873 ![]() On this rock I build a church: Old Mission Church, Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico pictured in 1873 ![]() Native Americans: Boat crew of the 'Picture' at Diamond Creek. Photo shows photographer Timothy O'Sullivan, fourth from left, with fellow members of the Wheeler survey and Native Americans, following ascent of the Colorado River through the Black Canyon in 1871 ![]() Landscape: Browns Park, Colorado, as seen by Timothy O'Sullivan in 1872 as he chartered the landscape for the first time ![]() Rockies: A man sits on a shore beside the Colorado River in Iceberg Canyon, on the border of Mojave County, Arizona, and Clark County, Nevada in 1871 ![]() Barren: Timothy O'Sullivan's darkroom wagon is pulled across the Carson Sink, part of Nevada's Carson Desert in 1867 ![]() Industrial revolution: The mining town of Gold Hill, just south of Virginia City, Nevada, in 1867 ![]() Early rails: A wooden balanced incline used for gold mining, at the Illinois Mine in the Pahranagat Mining District, Nevada in 1871. An ore car would ride on parallel tracks connected to a pulley wheel at the top of tracks ![]() Silver mining: Here photographer Timothy O'Sullivan documents the actvities of the Savage and the Gould and Curry mines in Virginia City, Nevada, in 1867 900ft underground, lit by an improvised flash -- a burning magnesium wire, O'Sullivan photographed the miners in tunnels, shafts, and lifts. ![]() Untouched landscape: The head of Canyon de Chelly, looking past walls that rise some 1,200 feet above the canyon floor, in Arizona in 1873 ![]() Barren: Two men sit looking at headlands north of the Colorado River Plateau in 1872 ![]() Portrait: Native American (Paiute) men, women and children pose for a picture near a tree. The picture is thought to have been taken in Cottonwood Springs (Washoe County), Nevada, in 1875 ![]() Natural U.S. landscape: The junction of Green and Yampah Canyons, in Utah, in 1872 ![]() An earlier visitor: Nearly 150 years ago, photographer O'Sullivan came across this evidence of a visitor to the West that preceded his own expedition by another 150 years - A Spanish inscription from 1726. This close-up view of the inscription carved in the sandstone at Inscription Rock (El Morro National Monument), New Mexico reads, in English: "By this place passed Ensign Don Joseph de Payba Basconzelos, in the year in which he held the Council of the Kingdom at his expense, on the 18th of February, in the year 1726" ![]() Insight: Aboriginal life among the Navajo Indians. Near old Fort Defiance, New Mexico, in 1873 ![]() Incredible backdrop: The Canyon of Lodore, Colorado, in 1872 ![]() Settlement: View of the White House, Ancestral Pueblo Native American (Anasazi) ruins in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, in 1873. The cliff dwellings were built by the Anasazi more than 500 years earlier. At the bottom, men stand and pose on cliff dwellings in a niche and on ruins on the canyon floor. Climbing ropes connect the groups of men. ![]() Sailing away: The Nettie, an expedition boat on the Truckee River, western Nevada, in 1867 ![]() Taking a dip: A man bathing in Pagosa Hot Spring, Colorado, in 1874 ![]() A man sits in a wooden boat with a mast on the edge of the Colorado River in the Black Canyon, Mojave County, Arizona. At this time, photographer Timothy O'Sullivan was working as a military photographer, for Lt. George Montague Wheeler's U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the one Hundredth Meridian. Photo taken in 1871, from an expedition camp, looking upstream ![]() Native: Maiman, a Mojave Indian, guide and interpreter during a portion of the season in the Colorado country, in 1871 ![]() Valley view: Alta City, Little Cottonwood, Utah, in 1873 ![]() Remarkable landscape: Cathedral Mesa, Colorado River, Arizona in 1871 ![]() Mountains: Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, in 1869. A man can be seen with his horse at the bottom near the bridge (right) ![]() Rock formations in the Washakie Badlands, Wyoming, in 1872. A survey member stands at lower right for scale ![]() Tree-mendous: Oak Grove, White Mountains, Sierra Blanca, Arizona in 1873 ![]() Shoshone Falls, Idaho near present-day Twin Falls, Idaho, is 212 feet high, and flows over a rim 1,000 feet wide. it is pictured in 1868 ![]() Rocky: The south side of Inscription Rock (now El Morro National Monument), in New Mexico in 1873. The prominent feature stands near a small pool of water, and has been a resting place for travellers for centuries. Since at least the 17th century, natives, Europeans, and later American pioneers carved names and messages into the rock face as they paused. In 1906, a law was passed, prohibiting further carving. ![]()
Very plain landscape: A distant view of Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1873
티모시 오설리반은 미국 남북전쟁과 서부의 와일드한 풍경을 앵글속에 담은 다큐멘터리 사진작가다. 남북전쟁 당시 전선에서 많은 전쟁 기록들을 카메라에 담아 유명해 졌다. 위도 40도 지질 탐사대의 일원으로 지형과 지질학적 자료로서의 사진을 제작했고, 이후에도 파나마 지협탐사, 미국 남서부 탐사팀의 일원으로 활약했고 미국 재무부의 수석사진작가로 이명돼 많은 다큐멘터리 사진들을 남겼다.
1860년대 철도회사와 정부기관이 광활한 서부의 미지의 땅을 기록하는 조사 연구의 전반적인 노력에 사진이 포함되어야 한다고 인식함에 따라 사진은 중요한 도구로 등장하게 되었다. 이때부터 미국에서의 중요한 사진작업의 방향은 미지의 세계에 대한 개척이었다 지형과 지질 탐사를 위한 기록으로 사진은 그 자체의 예술성이나 사진가의 자연에 대한 경외감보다 철저히 중립적이고 객관적으로 기록하는 것이 필요했다. 지도를 그려나가듯이 눈앞에 펼쳐진 자연의 모습을 장착시키기 위해 노력하였다. 오설리반의 미화되지 않은 객관적이고 사실적인 사진들은 국가 정책의 일환으로 촬영된 것들이지만 현대에 이르러 풍경사진의 교과서같은 뉴 토포그래픽스(New Topographics)의 토대가 되었다.
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