鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

航空 宇宙 관련

[항공무기]공격헬기를 이용한 인원수송

鶴山 徐 仁 2006. 11. 10. 13:48
[항공무기]공격헬기를 이용한 인원수송

3번째 코브라의 스키드를 잡은 것은 1986년 이스라엘군 F-4 WSO가 격추당한 후 구출작전에서 탈출하는 장면이라 합니다.

On October 16, 1986, Israeli air-force navigator Ron Arad was taken captive after his F-4 Phantom warplane went down over Lebanon. one of the jet’s bombs exploded under the wing and sent it into a tailspin. Both Arad and the pilot parachuted safely to the ground. The pilot was flown to safety under fire, holding on to the bottom of an Israeli helicopter in a spectacular rescue operation. Ron was taken captive by Amal, a Lebanese Shi’ite militia group lead by Nabih Berri, who today is the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament.
In 1987, Arad’s family received several letters and a photo of Arad confirming that the missing navigator was alive and in Amal’s hands. The ensuing negotiations between Israel and Amal broke off after Arad was "sold" to Iranian backed forces in Lebanon by Amal official Mustfa Dirani. Dirani was later on snatched by SF team out of his residence in lebanon's bakaa valley for a trade-off, and released back in 2004 in return of three dead israely POWs remains.











