고 갱
Portrait of Camille Pisarro by Gauguin (right) - Portrait of Paul Gauguin
by Pissarro (left), 1879-83, chalk on paper, Musee du Louvre, Paris.
Study of a Nude (Suzanne Sewing), 1880, Ny Glyptotek, Copenhagen.
The Garden in Winter, rue Carcel, 1883, oil on canvas, private
collection. 139KB
Madame Mette Gauguin in Evening Dress, 1884, oil on canvas, National
Gallery, Oslo. 122KB
Still Life with Mandolin, 1885, oil on canvas, Musee d"Orsay, Paris.
Still Life with Profile of Laval, 1886, oil on canvas, The Josefowitz
Collection. 131KB
Four Breton Women, 1886, oil on canvas, Neue Pinakothek, Munich.
The Alyscamps at Arles, 1888, oil on canvas, Musee d"Orsay, Paris.
The Visitation After the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling the Angel), 1888, The
National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh. 112KB
Portrait of Madeline Bernard (The sister of the artist Emile Bernard),
1888, oil on canvas, Musee de Peinture et de Sculpture, Grenoble.
Still Life with Fan, 1889, oil on canvas, Musee d"Orsay, Paris.

The Beautiful Angele, 1889, oil on canvas, Musee d"Orsay, Paris.
The Artist"s Mother (?), 1889, oil on canvas, Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart.
Schuffnecker"s Studio (The Schuffnecker Family), 1889, oil on canvas,
Musee d"Orsay, Paris.
The Yellow Christ, 1889, oil on canvas, Albright-Knox Art Gallery,
Buffalo, NY. 132KB

1893-94; Oil on canvas, 46 x 38 cm; Musee d"Orsay,
Paris -모자를 쓴 자화상-

Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We
Going? 1897; Oil on canvas, 54 3/4 x 147 1/2 in.; Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston -우리는 어디로 와서 어디로 가는가?-
Nude Study, or
Suzanne Sewing 1880; Oil on canvas, 111.4 x 79.5 cm; Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,
Copenhagen -나부습작-

Madame Mette Gauguin in Evening Dress
1884; Oil on
canvas; National Gallery, Oslo -야회복을 입은 메트고갱-

The Visitation After the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the
Angel) 1888; Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm; National Galleries of Scotland,
Edinburgh -설교후의 환영 혹은 야곱과 천사의 싸움-

The Garden in Winter, rue Carcel 1883; Oil on canvas;
private collection -카르셀 거리의 눈-

Four Breton Women 1886; Oil on canvas; Neue
Pinakothek, Munich -네명의 브르타뉴 여인의 춤-

Schuffnecker"s Studio (The Schuffnecker
Family) 1889; Oil on canvas; Musée d"Orsay, Paris -슈피네겔 가-

Self-portrait with Halo 1889; Oil on wood, 79.6 x
51.7 cm; National Gallery of Art, Washington -희극적 자화상-

The Yellow Christ (Le Christ jaune) 1889; Oil on canvas,
92.1 x 73.4 cm; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY -황색의

Femmes de Tahiti OR Sur la plage (Tahitian Women OR on the
Beach) 1891; Oil on canvas, 69 x 91 cm; Musee d"Orsay, Paris -해변의

Vahine no te tiare (Woman with a Flower) 1891; Oil on
canvas; Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen -비히네 노 티아레 : 꽃을 든

Arearea (Joyousness)1892; Musee d"Orsay, Paris -아레아레아 : 즐거울

Still Life with Fan 1889; Oil on canvas; Musée d"Orsay,
Paris -부채가 있는 정물

The Meal (The Bananas) 1891; Oil on canvas; Musée d"Orsay,
Paris -식사 혹은 바나나-

We Hail Thee Mary 1891; Oil on canvas, 113.7 x 87.7 cm;
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York -이아 오라나 마리아 : 마리아를
Nafea faa ipoipo? (When will you Marry?) 1892; Oil on
canvas Private collection, Basel -나페아 파 이포이포 : 언제

La Belle Angele 1889; Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm; Musee
d"Orsay, Paris -아름다운 엔젤-

Breton Landscape (The "Moulin David") 1894, Oil on canvas;
Musée d"Orsay, Paris -다비드 제분소-

Self-Portrait with the Yellow Christ 1889-90; Oil
on canvas -황색의 그리스도가 있는 자화상-

Riders on the Beach 1902; Oil on canvas, 73 x 92
cm; Private collection -해변의 기수들-

Two Tahitian Women 1899; Oil on canvas; The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York -붉은꽃과 유방-

Fatata te Miti (Near the Sea) 1892; Oil on canvas; National
Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. -파타타 테 미티 : 해변에서-

Aha oe feii? (What! Are You Jealous?) 1892; Oil on coarse
canvas, 68 x 92 cm; Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow -아하 오에 페이이 :
어머, 질투하는거니?-

Te arii vahine (The Noble Woman) 1896; Oil on canvas; The
Hermitage, St. Petersburg -테 아리히 바히네 : 망고의

The Offering 1902; Oil on canvas, 68.5 x 78.5
cm -신께 바치는 물건-
"위대한 야만인" 폴
폴고갱 (1848-1903)은 20세기 미술에 결정적인 영향을 미친 화가이다. 그는 야성적인 색채와 이국적인
표현기법으로 많은 화가들에게 영감을 주었으며, 피카소가 입체파로 나아가게 된것도 고갱의 원시주의에 크게 영향을 받은것으로 알려져
있다. 1891년 고갱은 인간의 원시적 감성을 찾아 타이티로 떠난 이래, 그곳에서 대표작 "우리는 어디에서 왔는가, 우리는
무엇인가, 우리는 어디로 가는가"를 6년여에 걸쳐 완성했으며, 최후까지 붓을 놓지 않으면서 고독과 우울 속에서 만년을
보내다가 55세로 생을 마감했다.
그는 세기말의 "위대한 야만인"이었다.
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