鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

文學산책 마당

[스크랩] [綠野]In Search of Happiness

鶴山 徐 仁 2005. 8. 7. 19:01
                                                                  In Search of Happiness
                     Anna Mae Wittig
                           The sun is shining, birds are singing,
                           There's a gentle breeze,
                        It's not too hot, it's not too cold,
                         Just enough to sway the trees,
                        The sky is blue, just puffy clouds,
                        What's this bit of Heaven worth?
                           More than the gold, more than the jewels,
                           on this entire earth.
                         So slow down in your rushing,
                         To make sure things are done,
                           That bright, warm feeling on your cheeks,
                           My dear, is just the sun.
                        When was the last time you slowed down,
                       And the breeze caught up with you?
                         You just sat back and listened,
                          To another's point of view?
                        We search so hard for happiness,
                           That we oft don't realize,
                         That elusive Bird of Paradise,
                           Is right before our eyes.

  The Happiness Store 
             P A Oisten

          Just call this number and you will see,
             how easy it is to be rich just like me.
          Order this rider or walker or plan.
             It will make you a thinner woman or man.
          You can now know your future, no questions at last.
             Just call and we'll give you your phychic forecast.
           It can heal you! It can save you! You can live worry free!
             If each week in God's name you send your pay check to me!
             Testimonial after testimonial, their lives were in ruin,
             till they made that 800 call, now look how great the're all doin!
            I was appalled, couldn't stand any more!
             How can people believe there's a happiness store?
          They all say for a price, it's as easy as can be!
             You can buy it right here on Sunday morning TV!
                  Linda Hays
                      Jazz music, soft lights
                    and plump pillows
                    with background sounds of crashing waves.
                    eased minds,
                     sharing of souls.
                      Rain against a skylight.
                     Fragrant fields of wildflowers,
                       poignant music and dreams.
                      Abstract art with hidden meanings,
                       people with none.
                        Glowing brass, warm polished wood, soft rugs.
                        Innocent children, wise adults, happy humans.
                      Meaningful looks,
                     shared secrets,
                      understanding glimpses,
                      unspoken words.
                      Circling hums of ceiling fans,
                       Imagination, creativity, accomplishment.
                         Scented candles, soft breezes,
                       distant thunderstorms.
                       A hot dog in the park,
                       Christmas lights,
                         yellow butterflies,
                         comfortable silences.
                       Trains in the night,
                         the first early morning daffodil,
                        a listening ear.
                        a place in this world,

가져온 곳: [행복/사랑/성공/예술/詩/經營/여행]  글쓴이: 綠野GreenField 바로 가기