鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

외국작가 畵壇

[스크랩] ◈ 수채화의 달인 "Milind Mulik"의 작품보기 ◈

鶴山 徐 仁 2005. 7. 21. 10:37
Milind Mulik


My father, Pratap Mulick, is a well-known illustrator and painter. My own artistic ability became apparent rather early. I have been drawing since the age of 5 and I started doing watercolour landscapes at the age of 13. I received our government's National Talent Scholarship to study art, but I decided to major in engineering rather than art.
After graduation, however, I returned to my artistic inclinations and began doing architectural illustrations and other commercial and design work. I continued painting landscapes and giving art lessons as well.
Recently, however, having reversed these priorities, I am painting most of the time and spending less time teaching and very little in commercial work. I am now giving occasional watercolour demonstrations in government art colleges in Maharashtra. I am a visiting faculty member for the India art gallery. I also hold workshops occasionally, and teach a few students privately.
I have participated in many group shows throughout India, and have had 15 one- man shows in Mumbai and Pune. My paintings are in the collection of many private individuals and a few Corporate houses in India, USA, Europe as well as Japan and Singapore.
I have thus been painting for last 20 years or more on a regular basis and have, hopefully, created a place for myself in contemporary Indian art. * 이 그림자료를 퍼서 사용 할때에는 (자료출처:한국야외수채화가회http://www.outdoorwatercolor.com/)를 꼭 넣어 주시기 바랍니다.




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