鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

외국작가 畵壇

[스크랩] [John William Waterhouse] Tristan and Isolde with the potion

鶴山 徐 仁 2006. 2. 4. 15:20

 Tristan and Isolde



[Oil on canvas, 43 x 32 inches (109.22 x 81.28 cm), Collection of Fred and

Sherry Ross, USA]




Isolde, Princess of Ireland, has been entrusted to the care of Tristram,

the nephew of the king of Cornwall, to take her safely to Cornwall to marry

the king.

However, Tristram loves Isolde himself and Isolde loves him in return.

Tristram and Isolde decide to die together rather then be separated and

choose to drink a poison.

However, unbeknownst to them the poison was switched for a love potion.

After they both drink it they fall even more madly in love and run off together

into the forest.

Tristram (Tristan) and Isolde, is a legend depicted in many Victorian paintings.

Waterhouse captures the two lovers together on the boat just before

drinking the potion, thinking they are about to die.

The desperation in Isolde's face can be clearly seen as she clutches

the goblet with both hands.

In Tristram we see a distinct look of resignation as he accepts it.

Waterhouse also points out the separation that has been forced

between them.

They stand on either side of the painting with the cup and the bottle of

potion between them.

On Tristram's side lies his helmet and sword with a rope coiled underneath.

In the background the castle can be seen illustrating a tie to his duty

in bringing Isolde safely to the king.

On Isolde's side sits a throne like chair symbolizing her duty to marry the king

once she gets there.

Also, there is a very distinct line representing a plank which runs between

them, directly under the goblet, further emphasizing their separation.

As Tristram accepts the cup his foot "steps over the line", foreshadowing

that the separation between them is about to end.

Waterhouse painted a second version of this painting entitled Tristram and

Isolde, which has the bottle of potion behind Tristram and less of the castle


There is also a crown on Isolde's head and a book which lies open at her feet.

The edge of the plank separating the two is even more pronounced with

Isolde actually appearing to be slightly elevated.


[by Kara Ross]

출처 : 블로그 > impressionistically | 글쓴이 : Impressed [원문보기]