California Palace of the Legion of Honor
California Palace of the Legion of Honor는 파리에있는
Legion of Honor 의 3/4 규모의 복사판이다
14세기에서 20세기의 4000여점의유럽작품들...인상파그림들과 로댕의작품등
주옥같은 그림들을 센프란시스코에서도 볼수있다 The California Palace of the Legion of Honor, a three-quarter-scale replica of the Legion of Honor in Paris,
sits atop a bluff overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, Marin headlands and downtown hills.
The Legion of Honor holds more than 4,000 artworks, largely from Europe.
You’ll find tapestries, paintings from the 14th-20th centuries, works on paper,
porcelains, period rooms and sculptures
 Golden Gate Bridge seen from The Palace of the Legion of Honor
Pablo Picasso, 1945, Still Life With Skull, Leeks and Pitcher.
Pablo Picasso, 1965, Reclining Female Nude and Portrait Head.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1895, Mother and Child.
 Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1893, Landscape At
Paul Cezanne, 1898, Forest Interior.
Renoir, 1870, Mme. Clementine Valensi Stora
Vincent Van Gogh, 1886, Shelter on Montmartre
Vincent Van Gogh, 1885, Still Life
Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1780, Anna, Viscountess Townshend
Julien Dupre, 1910, Peasant Girl With Sheep.
Jean-Marc Nattier, 1739, Terpsichore, Muse of Music and Dance.
Jean-Marc Nattier, 1739, Thalia, Muse of Comedy.
William Etty, 1849, Reclining Female Nude.
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, 1814, Venus Bathing.
School of Fontainebleau, The Triumph of Chastity
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, 1877, Love and the Maiden
Jacob and Rachel at the Well ,1680, Johann Karl Loth, 2
Sir William Beechey, 1796, Master James Hatch.
Salvatore Rosa, 1640, Landscape With Travelers.
Salomon van Ruysdael, 1648, River View of Nijmegen with the Volkof
Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes, 1788, A Capriccio of Rome with the Finish of a Marathon.
The Dead Soldier, 1789, Joseph Wright,
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