鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

사진과 映像房

Jay Patel

鶴山 徐 仁 2007. 4. 23. 22:58

      Reflecting on the Tetons ~
      Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming, United States - Rocky Mountain States

      The cloud formation was quickly being burned off by the setting sun on the day
      we arrived at the Jackson Lake Lodge. Not having chance to explore the park yet,
      I walked around the back of Jackson Lake Lodge looking for a good place to shoot
      the scene unfolding before me. I decided to use the reflection in this small pond
      as a focal point among the sea of free green vegetation.

      Storm Surge ~
      Coyote Buttes, Arizona, United States - Southwest States

      "The Wave" in Coyote buttes is a photographer?s paradise,
      but on this particular day a passing storm created perfect
      lighting that highlighted the colors, textures and curve in the rocks.
      This photograph was taken just as the first direct light of sun
      hit the rocks with the storm clouds still overhead.

      Remains of Water ~
      Paria Canyon, Arizona, United States - Southwest States

      Hiking to Paria Canyon in Escalante region of Southern Utah
      is a treat that must be experienced by all the visitors.
      Located along the brightly colored wall of the valley are numerous mud patterns
      and textures that reminds the visitors that these are the
      remains of water that once flowed in the Canyon.

      Calf Creek Falls ~
      Calf Creek Falls, Utah, United States - Southwest States

      I have visited Calf Creek Falls befor, but never were conditions
      as good as on this trip. The falls color were at their peak,
      the leaves on the trees had thinned out just enough to see the falls
      through the trees and the water on the pond was absolutely still.

      Arizona Dreaming ~
      Supai Indian Reservation, Arizona, United States - Southwest States

      It took me 3.5 hours to get to campground carrying 45 lbs backpack.
      It was snowing/hailing when we left the car and rained on and off all weekend long.
      The morning I took the photos, the mountains surrounding the canyons
      were covered with snow. The average highs were in the 50s and lows in the 30s.
      I fell in the river couple of times while crossing it and got cold and wet
      And given another chance...I would do this over again in even worse conditions.

      The Leader ~
      ⓒ Jay Patel Death Valley National Park, CA, United States - California

      Very few times in a year do you find yourself in a right place at the right time.
      But, if you the right place happens to be the Racetrack in the Death Valley
      National Park then you know that you have hit a jackpot.
      While leading a group of photographer in Death Valley National Park,
      the skies put on one of the best light shows of the year.

      ~ Into the Light ~
      ⓒ Jay Patel Cannon Beach, Oregon, United States - Pacific Northwest

      On my recent trip to help a firend, I was fortunate enough to capture
      this storm breaking up at Cannon Beach in Northern Oregon.
      I used the reflection in the wet sand as an foreground element.

      2Skies of Blue ~
      ⓒ Jay Patel Franche-Comte, France

      More often then not we photographer are rushing to take the photos at the golden hours
      during either sunset or sunrise and fail to notice ignoring the beauty that surrounds us at all hours.
      While rushing to take the photograph at the golden hour, I stopped the car and took the photo of this lonely barn from side of the road.

      ~ When it Pours ~
      ⓒ Jay Patel Baume les Messieursare, Franche-Comte, France

      When it pours, the cascading water falls of Baume les Messieursare a site to behold.
      This photograph of lower falls of Baume les Messieurs taken in early summer
      when the melting snow and the spring rains had created high water levels in the valley.
      Complementing the waterfall was a carpet of green laid down by a wet spring and mild temperatures.

      A Classic View ~
      Havasu Falls, Arizona, United States - Southwest States

      The most admired features of the famous Havasu Falls are the colors of its water
      and those of the surrounding canyon walls. Besides the colors, mineral deposits
      the surrounding canyon walls creates some fantastic textures on the walls of the canyon
      as well as in the water itself. In this classic view of the Havasu falls,
      I decided to use this mineral deposit as a foreground element for this photograph.

      Colors of the Wind ~
      Death Valley National Park, California, United States - California

      There are moments in few times in landscape photography when everything comes together:
      right time, right place and right light. My third trip to the Racetrack was one such time.
      As, I was driving to the Racetrack, I noticed the cloud formations was just right to get
      some decent shots of the Racetrack. But, the ?After Glow?
      over the Racetrack was beyond my wildest imagination.

      Moonlit Dreams ~
      Death Valley National Park, California, United States - California

      This multiple exposure photograph was taken with two camera and only minutes
      apart at Devil?s Golf course then merged together using Photoshop.
      The Moonrise during Twilight hours provided us with just enough light to
      retain beautiful textures in the foreground before the shadows
      from the moon became a dominant factor in the photograph

      A Fall Angle ~
      Zion National Park, Utah, United States - Southwest States

      The fall color in Zion National Park are always spectacular. on this particular visit, we reached the mouth of Virgin River narrows just as the tree were displaying their most brilliant fall colors of the season. The composition of the photograph is selected so that the various diagonal lines converge on a small waterfalls in the Virgin River.

      Pastel Pallete ~
      Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States - Rocky Mountain States

      The colors in the Norris Geyser basin are always outstanding at the end of the spring season
      due to high water levels. But, on this particular day the storm breaking up
      in the evening hours provided some of the most spectacular colors in the sky and water.
      The smoking geyser, the fiery sky, the steam rising out the hot springs
      and the mineral deposits truly transformed this landscape into a hellish scene.>