鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

외국작가 畵壇

[스크랩] [그림] [C. Monet] Sunrise & Sunset

鶴山 徐 仁 2006. 2. 4. 15:25

Sunrise & Sunset



[Impression : Sunrise, 1873]
[Oil on canvas, 63 x 48 cm, Private collection]


The painting had been stolen?


Claude Monet's Impression Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant) is

one of the most famous paintings in the world.

In fact, it is the painting that gave the Impressionist Movement

its name.

A critic tried to ridicule the artists of this style, by calling them


While looking through a bookstore, I noticed a children's book

about Claude Monet.

I browsed through it, and when I came to the part about Impression

Sunrise, I read that the painting had been stolen.

I had read several books about Monet.

And, I didn't remember reading about this interesting fact.

I tried to check on this, and learn more.

None of the books that I could find, in book stores or libraries, mentioned that the painting had been stolen.

Eventually, I bought the Monet, Catalogue Raisonné, by Daniel

Wildenstein, a massive four-volume set with photographs of every

known Monet painting(1983 of them).

And I read the following facts about Impression Sunrise.

It was signed, "Claude Monet. 72", but he actually painted it in 1873.

He probably added the "72" years after he painted it.

It shows the harbor at Le Havre, looking south-east.

It was stolen from the Musée Marmottan, in Paris, on 27 October,


It was recovered in December, 1990. It is currently at the Musée


And it would seem that most books on Monet do not mention the

theft, because they were written before 1985.

[출처 : http://www.jimloy.com/arts/sunrise.htm ]






[Sunset, 1880]

[Oil on canvas, Private Collection]






[Haystacks at Giverny, the evening sun, 1888]
[Oil on canvas, 25 1/2 x 36 1/8 inches (65 x 92 cm
), National Gallery of

Australia, Canberra, Canberra, Australia]






[The Seine at Bougival in the Evening, 1869]
[Oil on canvas, 23 1/2 x 28 7/8 inches (60 x 73.5 cm), Smith College Museum

of Art, Northampton, Massachussetts, USA]






[London: Houses of Parliament at Sunset, 1903]
[Oil on canvas, Private collection]



[출처 : http://www.artrenewal.org/ ]

출처 : 블로그 > impressionistically | 글쓴이 : Impressed [원문보기]