鶴山의 草幕舍廊房

다양한 도우미

[스크랩] 내공100영어로 백문백답, (오십문오십답도 괜찮습니다.) 만들어주세요.

鶴山 徐 仁 2005. 9. 19. 15:02
이왕이면 좀 특이한걸로.... 부탁드립니다.

1.what's your name? joo yeon lee
2.what's your English name? Sarah
3.Where are you from? Korea
4.What's your favorite color? white
5.what's your e-mail address? titi4978@hanmail.net
6.what's your blood type? rh+ B blood type
7.waht's your nickname? thickness
8.why is that your nickname is thickness? while young , my hair's density is scarce but now I have a tufty hair
9.how old are you? 22 years old
10.what's your favorite food? Pizza
11.what's your favorite program? non-stop
5 ,freinds, my name is kim sam sun k k k
12.what's your favorite entertainer in non-stop 5? hye sun -gu, junlee.
13. what's your height? 158 cm
14. what's your weight? It's a secret
15. do you have lover? no.
16. What's your idea perpect man? ha gyun shin
17. what's your celluer phone number? 016-
18. what's your merit? i'm neat and nice
19. what's your demerit? i'm very sincere
20. what's your religion? i'm a christian
21. what's your sex distinction? woman
22. what's your favorite song? can't live a day
23. what's your favorite season? fall
24. how's your drinking capacity? i hate drinking
25. have you loved in vain? yes, i have
26. Tell me about your one-sided love
When i was 21 years old. i went dance school. In there, i found that
great looking guy, his name was chang jin kim, and he is very young
er than me ,,I became aware of that later , so i'm very disappointed.
27.Do you still love him? I miss him
28.what do you do ? I'm a freshman in University
29.What is your University's name? kong ju
30.Tell me about your song . I love singing and my song ability is good
31.Tell ma about yout dance. I love dancing but my dance ablity is bad
32. what do you do when you in home? I read a bible and study English
and watch NOn-stop
33. If you are in front of mirror .. Go on a diet
34. what are you wearing now? i worn a lemon color's traing pants and olive color's T- shirt
35 What's your attractive point in face? nose
36 What's your the source of trouble ? my faith trouble
37. what's your favorite movie? Welcome to dong mock goal
38. what's your own style? cuty
39. what time do you get up ? 9 am
40, what time do you go to bed? 11 pm
41 how many frinds do you have? 5
42 what is your treasure in the world? God,Jesus,Hollt Sprit
43 Recommend for a good movie? You've got mail
44 how's your condition? good
45 Now what's in your pocket? i have no pocket i wears a traning pants kk
46 where are you? i'm in home
47 Say a word to readers- NIce to meet you , and thank you for readind it
48 What's your hobby? Studying English
49 Tell me about English . i wanna speak English very well.
50. What's your favorite sports? Soccer..

50問 50答

1. Where are you from?/ I'm from korea.

2. How often do you play soccer?/ Two times a week.

3. what do you want to be?/ I want to be a baseball player.

4. Who are you?/ I'm guil-dong.

5. How are you?/ Fine thanks.

6. What do you do in your spare time?/ I usually read and grow flowers.

7. Who is your favorite jazz singer?/ Louuis Armstrong.

8. Could you come to my birthday party tomorrow night?/ Sure thing!

9. What time is your party?/ At 9 am.

10. Why don't we meet and have lunch together?/ Sounds good to me.

11. Hello, may i speak to Mrs. Lee?/ Yes, spesking. Who's calling, please?

12. Do you have any plans for your vacation?/ Yes, i'm going to Cheju

13. By the way, What are your plans?/ I have no definite plans yet.

14. When is your birthday?/ It is on the fifth of December.

15. What do you want for your birthday?/ I'd like to have a jaket.

16. What time is the party?/ It begins at 9 o'clock sharp.

17. How many people are there in your family?/ There are five.

18. When are you going to get married?/ I want to get married before 30.

19. What date is today?/ It's Thursday today.

20. What's the date is today?/ It is the 15th.

21. What time is it?/ It's 9:00 o'clock.

22. What do you do for your helth?/ In my cose, I exercise frequently at
the health club.

23. Do you dat any healthy food?/ No, but i eat meals a day on regular

24. How would you like your steak?/ Well-done, please.

25. What kind of music do you like best?/ I like Korean pop songs.

26. What religion do you have?/ Buddhism.

27. How old are you?/ I'm 25 years old.

28. Do you drink?/ Yes, I drink a little.

29. Do you like to smoke?/ I don;t like to smoke for health reasons.

30. What is your favorite fruit?/ My favorite fruit is apple.

31. what are you doing now?/ I'm drdawing picture now.

32. Do you have something to eat?/ Yes, I have some cookies.

33. How often do you read books?/ twice a week.

34. Do you have mp3 player?/ Yes, I have.

35. Who is she?/ She is Mi na.

36. Where is police office?/ It's between 00mart and the bank.

37. Why don't you go shopping?/ Sounds good.

38. Do you any plans for monday?/ Yes, I will go to Samcheon-po.

39. What kind of game do you like?/ Action.

40. How old your sister?/ She is 12 years old.

41. Can you speak English?/ Yes. I can soeak speak English.

42. Can you resolve this question?/ Sure.

43. Who is taller Mike or Tom?/ Tom is.

44. Can you speak Korean?/ Yes. I speak English very well.

45. Can you do the dishes?/ No,I had hurt by accident yesterday.

46. You got It?/ Yes, I got it!

47. How many people are your class?/ 40.

48. Will you have some drink?/ yes.

49. Do you have lunch?/ Yet.

50. Why don't we go swimming?/ Sure. Let's go all right now!

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